Basic Restorative Dental - What is it About?


Everyone wants the perfect smile; basic restorative dental services can help you achieve that. Restorative dentistry involves oral procedures to enhance your smile, functions, and overall oral health.     

According to WHO, oral complications affect about 3.5 million people around the globe. These complications include everything from dental carries, teeth misalignment, gum diseases, and broken or crooked teeth, to name a few. 

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This is where modern dental restoratives come into the picture to restore your smile and help maintain proper oral health. Despite the effectiveness of these treatments, restorative dentistry still needs to be more known. 

Therefore, our experts have come up with different topics to explain the concept better, namely:

  • Understanding Restorative Dentistry
  • When Should You Consider Getting Restorative Dental Procedures?      
  • Different Restorative Dental Procedures You Need To Know About
  • How Is Restoration Dentistry Different From Cosmetic Dentistry?


Your smile is the first thing people notice about you. Hence, it is no surprise that an imperfect smile can hamper an individual's self-confidence and even alter their personality. 

Thankfully, it does not have to be that way if you can access the right treatments from your dentist in Dallas, GA. Different restorative procedures help address different issues, helping you maintain the perfect smile and oral health.    

But what are the procedures that can help you get the perfect smile? Let's find out how to make an informed choice.  

Understanding Restorative Dentistry 

Restorative dentistry involves procedures that restore different damaged parts of your mouth, such as your gums or teeth. This dentistry branch usually deals with replacing and repairing damaged or missing teeth. You can get different restorative procedures in dentistry based on your oral and aesthetic needs.   

When Should You Consider Getting Restorative Dental Procedures?      

There are many reasons why people undergo restoration dental procedures and some of the most common of these reasons include:  

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  • Tooth Decay: Dental fillings are one of the most common procedures that help deal with tooth decay and enamel erosion. Leaving tooth decay issues untreated for long can result in cavities, further increasing the chances of developing an infection. 
  • Damaged Tooth Structure: General wear and tear or a minor accident can significantly damage the structure of the teeth. Oral restoration helps cover and protect the damaged areas and enhances the overall structure for better strength.   
  • Missing Teeth: Different teeth replacement treatments are available, all considered restorative procedures. Implants are one of the most common restoration procedures you can access to replace one or more missing teeth.   
  • Chips And Stains: Most procedures focus on restoration, but some still focus on enhancing the aesthetics. For instance, you can get basic restoratives such as veneers to cover teeth stains and get a sparkling smile with minimal effort.   

Different Restorative Dental Procedures You Need To Know About 

You can access different restoration procedures based on your unique oral needs and requirements. Some of the best-known of these procedures include: 


Dental crowns are made of ceramic or porcelain materials and help restore your teeth' aesthetics and functionalities. These crowns cover the entire tooth surface to protect and cover the damaged tooth and give you an ideal smile. You can use these crowns for years with proper care and maintenance, making them the ideal long-term solution for most.    

Root Canal Treatment (RCT)

Root canal treatment, commonly known as RCT, is another popular restorative in dental science that saves a tooth damaged by infection, injury, or decay. The procedure requires the dentist to clean the infected or damaged pulp, clean the canals, and seal the tooth for better protection. It helps prevent any further damage and relieves you from any pain and discomfort.     


It is only possible to talk about restoration dentistry with the mention of dental implants today. These metal posts are fused into your jawbone to replace your missing teeth. The dentist will attach a crown over the implant post to ensure it functions like usual, and one can hardly notice any difference. In some instances, implants also help support bridges and dentures.

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A dental bridge is a prosthetic tooth bonded between two crowns to fill the gap created by a lost tooth. These two crowns are attached to the adjoining natural teeth to support the pontic. This makes dental bridges the ideal alternative for replacing one or more missing teeth and restoring your smile and teeth's functionalities.    


This is a procedure where the dentist will attach a unique material to the teeth and enhance their aesthetics and functions. You can leverage these bondings to repair tooth chips and cracks, correct gaps between teeth, and alter your teeth' shape, size, and color to suit your needs. You can complete this relatively simple procedure in a dental major restorative services appointment. 


These are other standard restoration procedures where the dentist uses an artificial tooth to replace your missing teeth. These dentures are generally made of metal or acrylic resin with porcelain to offer structural support to your teeth and jaw. You can get full or partial dentures based on the number of teeth you are missing. Dentures can go a long way in enhancing your smile without any significant expenditure or maintenance hassles. 

Inlays and Onlays 

Inlays are used for filling in small cavities and gaps, while onlays help cover larger damaged areas. These highly durable appliances make them ideal for restoring your aesthetics and chewing abilities. Getting inlays and onlays is relatively easy as it does not require much tooth removal and matches your natural teeth color very quickly.   

How Is Restoration Dentistry Different From Cosmetic Dentistry?

Restorative dentistry deals with restoring damaged, decayed, or infected teeth with bridges, crowns, fillings, and more. On the other hand, cosmetic dentistry solely focuses on enhancing the aesthetics of your smile and teeth with teeth whitening or porcelain veneers.  

This shows some overlap between both dentistry branches, as restoration dentistry focuses on restoring functions while the other only deals with aesthetics. So consult a reliable dentist and follow your dental guide carefully to choose the proper treatment based on your needs.        


  • Restorative dentistry refers to dental operations that restore various damaged elements of your mouth, such as your gums or teeth. 
  • Tooth decay, damaged tooth structure, missing teeth, and chips and stains are all reasons to seek restoration treatment.
  • Restorative dentistry focuses on restoring functions, whereas cosmetic dentistry is only concerned with appearance.
  • Don’t let different oral concepts confuse you; visit your go-to expert at Seven Hills Dentistry.  Clinic to learn more!

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